Pumped Bellingham

Low-waste Living Consultation


Embark on a transformative journey towards sustainability with our exclusive Low Waste Living Home Consultations. In this 45 to 60-minute personalized session, we will guide you through practical steps to reduce your environmental footprint and embrace a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

What's Included:

  1. Discovery Call (10-15 minutes): Kick off your zero waste adventure with a personalized discovery call. Share your goals, preferences, and challenges,  setting the stage for a tailored consultation.
  2. In-Depth Home Consultation (45-60 minutes): Receive hands-on advice on minimizing waste in every aspect of your home, from kitchen and bathroom to cleaning routines and beyond. Discover innovative, yet simple, solutions that align with your unique lifestyle. Rest easy knowing there is no judgement and no need to prepare! This is a learning experience so leaving your home in its natural state will allow you to glean the most information. If there are areas of the house you would prefer we not explore, feel free to pull out any products/items you have questions on. 
  3. Post-Visit Summary: Following your consultation, receive a detailed summary of key takeaways and personalized action items. This document will serve as your roadmap to seamlessly integrate sustainable practices into your daily life.
  4. Local Resource Guide: In addition to your personalized feedback, you will receive a local resource guide. Explore a curated list of local resources catering to a zero-waste lifestyle.
  5. 20% off your next purchase at Pumped Bellingham. Although selling products is not the goal, often Pumped has great products to help you get started. Your post-visit summary will include product recommendations and 20% off your next purchase!

Benefits of Zero Waste Living Home Consultations:

Personalized Approach: Tailored recommendations that suit your lifestyle and preferences right in the comfort of your home.

Sustainable Solutions: Learn practical, achievable strategies for reducing waste in your home.

Community Connection: Access local resources and join the vibrant zero-waste community in your area.

Long-Term Impact: Implement lasting changes for a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future.

Join us in creating a healthier planet, one home at a time. Book your Low Waste Living Home Consultation today and embrace a lifestyle that cares for the Earth and future generations!